Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dan Rather Leaves CBS

CBS News released a statement that they had reached terms with longtime anchor Dan Rather to leave CBS Corp. after 44 years of service. Why does this happen? Mr. Rather was the last of the great triumverate of news broadcasting. It was sad that Mr. Rather was riddled with attacks on his credibility after his misreported story. Meanwhile, people like Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Wolf Blitzer make many more mistakes and are given headlines, fancy graphics, and piles and piles of money. However, I commend Mr. Rather for his actions. After settling, he is moving on and has encouraged the real meat of journalism. The reporter who goes out does it. Not some anchor in some sort of room of situations with 700,000 tvs or a man in some sort of factor. Not some anchor whose only way of gaining self satisfaction is by arguing against someone from the opposing side who is scared of attacking a bunny rabbit. Not even an anchor of one of the big 3. "Too much is made of anchors and their personalities, their ups and downs. The larger issues -- the role of a free press and of honest, real news in a democracy, the role of technology in supporting a free press, the "corporatization" of news and its effects on news content -- all deserve more attention, more discussion and more passionate debate.", is what Rather said. And I agree. It's unfair that anchors and spin misers get all the attention when it is the roving field journalists and others who go out to the stories who have the greater understanding and greater testicular fortitude. Thank you Dan for being a great anchor, it is sad that there seems to be no one following in you, Peter's, or Tom's footsteps. But we can all hope, as long as we have excellent journalists in the field, things will be ok. Good Day Mr. Rather, and Good Luck.


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