Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Hello all,

It's really late and I have to go to bed, but I just wanted to post this new video we made:

check it out here : The Ruin-er

It's awesome, although the lighting in Walsh stinks.

Later Days!

Monday, September 11, 2006

A very Scary Documentary

I just wanted to quickly say I was scanning Apple Trailers and found this one scary documentary titled, Jesus Camp The documentary looks at the evangelical christians and thir strategy of educating youth. In the trailer, it is easily comparable to a training camp for some terror cell in the middle east. I couldn't figure out if the documentary was for or against these actions from the preview, but it certainly got my attention. As a christian educated by the Jesuits, I am saddened to see that some people have not learned from the mistakes of the past.

Anyways, until next time,

Good Night and Good Luck

The Second Week

One week down, 12 to go.

The first week back at BC has certainly been has fast paced, yet lacksadaisical as it was last year. Although this time, I'm not a freshmen and am not hampered by the whole, I don't know where I am or what I am doing phase.

I finished the documentary in the sense that I sent it to Prof. Michalczyk, Chair of the Film Department and teacher for BC's documentary class, and he has yet to report with any major negative comments. Yet. I am meeting with Professor Jennie Purnell of the Political Science department to discuss a premiere sometime hopefully in October. Stay tuned for those details.

Otherwise, I got rolling with my courses. I am mostly fullfilling alot of requirements this semester: Elmts II, History of Theatre, Mod History I, and the Living Earth(Sci Core). I am also taking a course on globalization which so far has been real interesting.

Globalization is truly one of those terms people throw around, but many people see the process in many lights, as I'm coming to see. If anything, the class has made me enjoy reading alot of the international articles in the NY Times. In fact, I was reading a piece today from the NY Times about Kofi Annan's 11 day Mid East tour. I had just been reading that one view about globalization is the importance of international groups power in a post Cold War world with varied countries who have many diverse objectives. The entire article illustrates that point, however, I felt that Warren Hoge said it best towards the end of the column with these words, "It also illustrated a founding idea of the United Nations: that an organization with no national agenda can bring together countries with competing agendas." (Hoge NY Times 2006)

I found another example in of the troubles of globalization in the other extreme as well. Also, in the times, it was reported that China was to hold back even more access to the media from its citizens. As I read the piece, I thought of the opposing side against globalization and the thoughts of how the tremendous advances in communication of brought upon the phenomenonand the idea of the tribalistic natures of some government to hold back the process.

Anyhow, sorry to belabor, I just found what I read interesting considering the course I'm taking. Also, you know that citing either of those articles for me in a paper will be sweet. This way, I have those on the record so I don't forget.

In other news, I did use the monologue I began working on a couple weeks ago for the Macbeth auditions. Sadly, although the monologe was good, I just dont give the correct image for Dr. Hechts performance of Macbeth. In any case, that leave the semester very open for me to hopefully work with the CCE as possibly a scripted character in Stabby Holidays (*crosses all available digits*). I also hope to maybe sign on as a field reporter for Now You Know, BC's weekly news show. If not, I may go free lance and just shoot some stuff anyway. I was planning on if I did it, to put all my reports on youtube anyhow. But more on that later.

The Red Sox won last night, but sadly, are struggling into the end of the season. Pats won very nice, D. Branch traded for a first round pic(not a bad deal for pats), and my fantasy football team is not looking to shabby, won its first match strong.

Until next time,

Good Night and Good Luck

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Moved In


The premiere of my documentary was really successful and made my work feel worth it.

Now I am at BC and I don't know what will become of this blog. I will soon be caught up in the busy ness of BC and don't know how often I will write, I will try to write occasionally.

I set things up to day and that was good. I also have rejoined with 6 of my 7 room mates, still waiting on my friend Yousef to move in. Move in has been good, tomorrow I will take in the labor day break and get ready for school. I actually just realized that low and behold, I have a paper to do for my ASG project. So I got to go,

Honestly, I will really try to make these posts less insignificant.

Good Night and Good Luck,
