More Changes

Well, if you don't see yet, the blog is changing title, template, and I'm working on getting my picture posted. Please bear with all these changes.
Things are heating up - Day 3 in The District
Sorry, but I will have to be short with this post because I have to get up early to cover a protest at the American Enterprise Institute tommorrow at 9am. In any case, I have been here two days and things are going well. I got my feet wet today at the White House interviewing the woman who is camped out infront of the White House against global nuclear proliferation. I also interviewed many who talked and took pictures with her. I wish I could elaborate on what I saw right now, but I am under time constraints this evening. I got distracted tonight with the Sox winning the twelfth in a row after all. I also had a smei-guided tour of the National Air and Space Museum, it was great and I got to reflect on what we have accomplished in such a short time. I also got some great shots(still and moving). I will post stuff soon, I promise. I will hopefully write tomorrow about the two different demonstrations I'm covering. Until then,
Good Night and Good Luck
Arrival In The District - Day 1
I made it to the District after rising at 5:30 this morning to catch a 9:00am flight to D.C. I got settled in, although missed a protest meeting I thought was tomorrow. Luckily, it was an info meeting and not a protest. I will be attending a protest against Iran this friday morning, it should prove very interesting. Anyways, the Sox beat the Mets and the Yanks lost to the Braves, so all is well on that front. I did stop to see Mr. Lincoln today, he looked well. May his spirit be with me during the next 25 days.
Red Sox Fans
After watching
Jon Lester put on a 3 hit 1 run 10-K show last night, I was somewhat sad with the fact that some fans around me complained about the game. Sure, the game was given alot of cushion with Big Papi's grandslam in the first, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a fantastic game. First, I got to see a top rookie left hander really pitch an unbelievable game. Sure, that means there isn't alot of hits to soothe many fans inexhaustable home run hunger, but watching Lester pitch last night sent chills down my back. If he keeps this up, the red sox good have a solid 1-2-3-4 with
Wake, and
Lester. Meanwhile, I got to see some nice timely hitting which let the Red Sox score a total of 9 runs. It was better than me watching with a frustrated look everytime the Red Sox left men on base in other games. So, I just would like to say that although blowouts may not deliver that late inning excitement, at least they don't deliver that late inning grief. May the sox keep winning. Let's go for seven in a row tomorrow night.
By the way, fenway park was as electric as ever. Even though there were those few fans who were tired by the 3rd inning, it was an outstanding atmosphere I was glad to be apart of.
Dan Rather Leaves CBS
CBS News released a
statement that they had reached terms with longtime anchor Dan Rather to leave CBS Corp. after 44 years of service. Why does this happen? Mr. Rather was the last of the great triumverate of news broadcasting. It was sad that Mr. Rather was riddled with attacks on his credibility after his misreported story. Meanwhile, people like
Bill O'Reilly,
Ann Coulter,
Sean Hannity, and
Wolf Blitzer make many more mistakes and are given headlines, fancy graphics, and piles and piles of money. However, I commend Mr. Rather for his actions. After settling, he is moving on and has encouraged the real meat of journalism. The reporter who goes out does it. Not some anchor in some sort of room of situations with 700,000 tvs or a man in some sort of factor. Not some anchor whose only way of gaining self satisfaction is by arguing against someone from the opposing side who is scared of attacking a bunny rabbit. Not even an anchor of one of the big 3. "Too much is made of anchors and their personalities, their ups and downs. The larger issues -- the role of a free press and of honest, real news in a democracy, the role of technology in supporting a free press, the "corporatization" of news and its effects on news content -- all deserve more attention, more discussion and more passionate debate.", is what Rather said. And I agree. It's unfair that anchors and spin misers get all the attention when it is the roving field journalists and others who go out to the stories who have the greater understanding and greater testicular fortitude. Thank you Dan for being a great anchor, it is sad that there seems to be no one following in you, Peter's, or Tom's footsteps. But we can all hope, as long as we have excellent journalists in the field, things will be ok. Good Day Mr. Rather, and Good Luck.
Sox vs. Nationals 7:05pm
The Red Sox go for the sweep tonight against the Nationals tonight. Jon Lester is on the mound with is 97-mph fastball. The only reason I'm making this note: 1)bored bored bored and 2) I will be sitting in RF watching it. Stay tuned for new pics and a video.
Fiddling with Template
To anyone reading: Democracy Rising will be going through some template changes. Some will be subtle, some won't be. I can't promise anything. I will keep posting, but I do ask that you blog and read at your own risk, I am not responsible for any damages to your eyes, ears, brain, or scrotum. That is all and let us not forget the tragic circumstances of
Think you're having a bad day?
So, you think you might be having a bad day. Check this video clip out and count your blessings.
I hate Ann and love ESPN Page 2
I was scanning the various news and sports network websites and came upon this funny gem. I hate Ann Coulter on so many levels, and this
article by ESPN's Page 2 writer Jim Caple really is good satire reflecting on Ann's real life absurdities. The article is a fun read, but also sort of scary because of how spot on it is on her. I find it so hard to believe that she is legitimated by so many
extreme right wing conservatives. In any case, I think one point has been made. When
Bill O'Reilly thinks you're extreme, you probably should be launched into the sun for the sake of human kind.
NEW VIDEOS!!!!Alas. No strong political discussions yet, however, here are two new videos I filmed with friends in preparation for my trip to D.C. beginning later this month.Rent CommercialSpring Cleaning